Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Brace yourselves... this post is a bunch of nonsense!!

I really should be posting more often, but it still seems as though I'm either A - busy busy busy, or B - dont have much to say.

so I still haven't heard anythign from the interview. this phone interview is just step one. If they liked me enough, it'll go to step 2 which is the in person interview. Still waiting for word on that. These folks sometimes keep ya waiting though!

This weekend we finally had some nice weather which was good! It actually started to feel like spring again. On Saturday Dave started tanning for the trip, so that's just another thing confirming our trip is just around the corner! SWEET! That night we headed out to a friends place to play some poker which was lots of fun.
Sunday was another beautiful day out. Dave and I slept in quite late (noonish.... eek!). My dad called while I was still in bed so we talked for a while. Apparently my grandfather isn't doing too well. My dad & grandpa went to Saskatchewan for a funeral and they both came back terribly ill with the flu. My grandfather is an old stubborn ukrainian man who never has liked going to doctors. This was another illness he sort of stuck through, but apparently he wasn't getting better so my dad took him to the doctor. I guess his potassium is super high, and his iron is super low, and its a recipe for disaster. Thats kind of scary to me. :(
I think this late spring/summer I will be taking a trip back home to visit. It's been over a year since I've visited home and I'm terribly homesick. I'd go home more often, but flights across Canada are rediculous!! It'd cost me almost a grand to fly from Nova Scotia to Alberta and back. Thats rediculous. I could fly to Europe for practically that price... and thats crossing an ocean and going to a new continent!

Anyway, later that night Dave & I got into a little spat. Well, he actually got quite pissed at me. He made a comment stating how much money this trip is costing (earlier we went out to buy him collared polos - which are needed for the a la carte dining- and then I mentioned we'd need to buy disposable cameras for snorkling) *insert "This trip is starting to cost a lot of money" comment*
so that makes me get annoyed and I say somethign to the effect of him not really wanting this trip, and how it seems like I'm the only one who cares since I'm the only one reading the reviews, planning, etc etc. He started to defend himself and I started smiling and giggling, which REALLY pissed him off. (I think it was me just subconsiously looking for a way to try and AVOID a fight, but it ended up making him more pissed - and this guy NEVER gets pissed.)
So that night ended up with him going to a local pub to battle at guitar hero, and me not going cuz I was a little hurt by the "Fu^k you, Alexis" (<---- yep, full name usage...DEFINITELY pissed) comment he made.
He left, I chilled at home, then went to bed later. night over.

Monday I'd gone to work and came home to visit dave for lunch. Things were still a bit weird, so I decided to get us out of the house and we went to Jugo Juice for lunch. Things were still awkward with us after that. Grr.
Later that evening after work when I came home, I found Dave in teh apartment which was so nice! (I've been working 9-530, and he has to work 430pm-1am this week so it was a nice surprise!)
We had another night chillin together which involved us renting the Simpsons game for the xbox 360 and him plaing it, while I watched here and there. Yes, we're so fun...

After Monday night things were much better. Today at lunch I came home again and things were good. IT sure is nice to work so close to home, so I can come home for a quick visit as that is the only time in the day where I'll get to see him for the next 2 weeks, excluding our weekends. It's goign to make it tough because other than the 1/2hr I'm home for lunch, the only trip-preparation time we'll have is this upcoming weekend. we'll have to cram everything in there!

Wow, ok so its 1215am here, and I think this post was gibbergabber, so I apologize!

One more thing - I DID manage to do a bit of shopping and got 2 summer shirts from Winners (maybe i'll post tomorrow cuz they're uber cute) and a great pair of dress shorts from Suzy Shier. One thing I LOVE about suzy shier is their bottoms actually FIT Me. I KNOW how to buy their pants/shorts, etc.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great humpday!


Jenn on April 9, 2008 at 9:33 a.m. said...

I agree - you should post more!! :)

I hope you hear something soon about the interview! I haven't heard anything yet either. Its really hard being held up in suspense. I just want to know whether I got it or not.

I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope that he gets better soon.

Its a shame that its so expensive to go home. How bad would it be to drive? It would probably take a long time, but it might be cheaper?

Fighting with Dave stinks. Don't worry though, in no time at all you two will be on a nice warm beach having a fantastic time. :)

Yay for the cute clothes!!!

Jen on April 9, 2008 at 11:36 a.m. said...

Sorry to hear about the fight with Dave! But I am really glad to hear that things are better now!!! Danny is the same way with planning trips (I do all the work and he just complains about the money)...personally I think travel is a good way to spend money because you are making memories!!

I hope your grandpa is alright!! And I hope you hear back soon about the interview!!!

eurydice on April 9, 2008 at 2:16 p.m. said...

Glad to hear things are better after the fight. Vacations ALWAYS seem to cost more money than what was originally planed... sucks!

Randi on April 9, 2008 at 2:24 p.m. said...

I find the opposite. Suzy Shier pants DON'T fit me at all.

My hubby really doesn't like trips much, he does think they're a big waste of money. So I do all the planning and shopping and getting excited by myself, then he just has to show up. The planning etc is my favorite part so it's a win win. But trips ARE expensive, especially when you consider the buy a new bathing suit, develop all the pictures etc gets added on.