Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Goals

Ok so I know I said I was going to bed, but if I dont' put even just a few goals down, i NEVER will, and I want to!!

1) KEEP ON TRUCKING! Well, not really, but figuratively - yes. I need to keep up with my efforts on the meal plan. Having some structure in this area has proven extremely helpful for both myself AND Dave (btw - he's lost 2lbs since returning from his 4 week trip to TX)

2) Even if I can't find time to go to the gym, DO EXCERSIZE AT HOME! I have the 08 fitness challenge I want to be doing, plus I have a pilates video, AND i could even just do a few crunches/pushups/SOMETHING to get my heartrate going.

3) more with the keeping active... GO FOR A WALK DURING LUNCH! I barely EVER Take breaks. If I eat lunch (many MANY times I skip lunch completely, so goal #1 will help fix that) it is at my desk while I keep working. I don't get away from my desk too often. That's definitely contributing to my ghetto booty.

4) Don't spend unnecessary money. My bills continue to rack up higher and higher... it's actually gotten into a scary situation. After this trip (and hopefully after the new job) I can start making progress on my bills.

5) TRY TO GET TO THE GYM. I've not really had much time for anything it seems lately, but I really have to start getting back to the gym. I DO enjoy it, and I just need to work it into some sort of schedule.

6) Try to have good days at work. I frequently have bad days at work lately and it's dragging me down. I gotta figure out a way to stop that.

7) GET THIS NEW JOB! (this should have been #1 because this is the one I'm wanting the most this month!!)

There's more, but I really am tired now. It's 1/4 after 12am which is way past my bedtime!!

Night all!!


healthy ashley on April 3, 2008 at 9:03 a.m. said...

Good goals! It should be fairly easy since most of them overlap each other. You can do it!!

Jenn on April 3, 2008 at 10:09 a.m. said...

Great goals for the month!!! You can totally do all of them.
It is so important to take a break at work. I've been working through my lunch as well, or just staying at my desk blogging, and it felt so good yesterday when I took that walk. It didn't make the rest of my day less boring, but it felt great to get out into the fresh air.
I know what you mean about the bill situation. I almost felt like I was drowing with credit card debt. Luckily my tax refund was enough for me to almost pay off my credit card, and I'm going to try really hard not to accumulate more than I can pay every month. I need to get bills paid off before Matt and I have a baby (eeek!!)

I know what you mean about work too...sometimes I have crappy days because my attitude sucks. I don't like what I'm doing and I'm bored out of my mind, so it makes me not want to work, and it makes for a really long day. Sometimes we all need an attitude adjustment to help deal with the day.

Be sure to let us know how the interview goes!! Good luck!!!!!

Cat on April 3, 2008 at 1:15 p.m. said...

YAY! Great goals! I totally found myself nodding along while reading your post....

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your new job!!

Erin on April 3, 2008 at 1:53 p.m. said...

Great goals! Sometimes seeing them in print makes them easier to stick to. For me anyway - maybe I need to make a list....

Jen on April 3, 2008 at 2:35 p.m. said...

Great goals Lex!!!

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you to get that job!!! It is important to do something you enjoy!

I so hear you on the credit card debts...I have some pretty bad debts and I just always seem to get myself in bad situations...I had to impliment a fairly strict plan if I ever want to save enough money for the things I want!

eurydice on April 4, 2008 at 5:59 p.m. said...

walking at lunch is a really great thing to do. and you'll have more energy for the afternoon!