Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am seeing green!!!

Tonight was a Costco night and I managed to pick up about $70 of all healthy food (90% of that was produce lol).
I picked up some:
-Egg whites
- Big bag o' spinach
- Strawberries (not as good as Farmgirls!)
- Bananas
- Mini peppers
- Mangos
- Huge box of blueberries
- Blackberries
- Liberte Yogurt
- 2 cartons of raspberries (mmmm)
- a new (I think it's new) organic cereal that I taste tested a few weeks ago at Costco and LOVED it!
- box of Peak Freans cookies

ANNNNNNNNDDD I picked up a little guilty pleasure reading material:

The author of this book is Lauren Conrad from the TV Show "The hills." I guess the reviews coming in are decent so I decided to give it a try. I am reading "Love the One You're With," and not quite enjoying it as much as I thought I would. Maybe I'll make the switch to LA Candy hehe.

**Oh for anyone who is a Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plum fan, check out what I saw:

Whooop whoop!

Sooooooooooooooo, I was doing some blog reading and decided I HAVE to jump on the Green Monster Bandwagon. That's right... I *finally* hopped on!
My Green Monster (I keep wanting to call it 'Green Machine') included:
- 2 handfuls of spinach
- 1/2 of a banana
- a handful of raspberries
- 1TBsp ground flax seeds
- 1 cup Light Vanilla Soy Milk
- AND 2 TBsp of Liberte Yogurt (That was for you, Ang!)

And..... VOILA:

It wasn't as green as it could have been, but that was definitely because of the raspberries. It was SO good though. You *cannot* taste the spinach at all, all I tasted was a banana/raspberry smoothie.
Veryyy good! Dave is the smoothie maker in our house but I think I'm going to show him a new gooder!

So tomorrow will be Day 2 of Booty Camp. I honestly, HONESTLY have no idea how I'm going to do the squats, lunges... well, basically *anything* that involves me bending down. My thighs are KILLIN' me today! I am having difficulties bending down, sitting down in a chair, getting up, walking down/upstairs. Late this afternoon around 2ish after all of the sitting at work my muscles got SUPER stiff. I have tried to stretch them out but it just isn't happening. I am hoping by some stoke of luck we get to do yoga or something to stretch out the muscles. But I am tellin ya ladies, I am hurtin today!!

Thank goodness Booty Camp wasn't tonight... the heat & humidity is INSANE here today. Blech!

Wish me luck tomorrow!!


ElleBee on June 24, 2009 at 9:49 p.m. said...

I know what you mean about sore! After I got back from my run tonight I spent a good 10 mins stretching out my quads with a few exercises I found online. Hopefully out bodies adjust soon! ;)

I found "Love The One You're With" kinda boring too. I kept on reading in hopes of getting into it.

Melinda on June 24, 2009 at 10:55 p.m. said...

I love shopping at Costco!!

I also love L.C. From the Hills Show - I may have to get that book!

Angela Power on June 24, 2009 at 11:18 p.m. said...

Look at ya all Green Monsterin'!!! WOoohooo AND you're all su'ped up with Liberte and everthing! :-D

My quads kill and I BET it's because i was sitting at a desk all day and because we never stretched them really at all! I'm thinking I might start doing Wednesday yoga class after work in the weeks to come.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear how LC's book is!

Jaime on June 25, 2009 at 12:05 a.m. said...

Organic Daybreak!!! I reviewed that on my blog months ago...LOVED it. That huge bag lasted me forever.

I just did a late night yoga session in this helped though!

eurydice on July 6, 2009 at 8:16 p.m. said...

let me know what you think of the book - i'm into reading it too!