Sunday, June 28, 2009

The man comes home tonight!

Yeah, no more lonely Lex! Dave comes home tonight after 2 weeks in Ontario. He'll be back for a week, then he goes to Texas for a week. Oh boy!

Today I have a bunch of cleanup to do, but it should make the time fly by fast. The weather forecast is calling for fog so I'm HOPING there aren't any issues with him flying in. For the past few days now we've had crazy fog. I wish I went out and tooks some pictures of the harbour as it was pretty cool. I have been hearing the fog horn at all times of the day lately. My cats love it... really they do... They go basserk when they hear that freaking loud fog horn! Hahaha

Check out our FABULOUS weather forecast here in Halifax. Umm, can someone tell me where the Sun went??

So yesterday's Flirty Fit class went well. Both the instructor and my SIL had a wild drunken evening the night before but it didn't hinder either of them. A new girl joined our class so that changes it up a bit. She just finished the pole dancing class and really really enjoyed it.

I had been daydreaming about Lynn's open faced sandwich all day yesterday and I had plans to make my own, but instead I made a delicious salad.

- spinach
- a bit of red onion
- some tomato
- diced cucumbers

I also added a chopped up slice of Laughing Cow cheese along with 2 sliced strawberries:

I bought a new balsamic vinagrette made with extra virgin olive oil which was a great way to finish it off:

I planned to only have a bit of salad:

But I liked it so much that I ate everything I put into that tupperware bowl listed above. mmmmmm

I have no pics for anything else since my battery conked out on me but for dinner I grabbed those whole wheat pitas Jaime talked about, slapped on some mustard, a few slices of extra lean turkey breast, some spinach, some cucumbers and I was good to go. I also had a small bowl of deliscious cherries. Mmmmm (Damn I love summertime goodies!!)

The rest of the evening I spent catching up on season ONE of Entourage. It's now being played on Much more music so I've got oodles of catching up to do.

This morning I had the Organic Daybreak + yogurt + berry mix

Along with a cup of tea + soy milk + sugar (check out the mug my cousin gave me a few years back):

Today I'll probably catch up on laundry, vaccuming & cleaning. More than likely I will probably toss together another salad. Mmmmmm then I'll be off to HOPEFULLY pick Dave up from the airport. Go away fog, go AWAY! (I seriously just heard the fog horn again... argg!!)


Anonymous said...

Yah for your hubby coming soon, hopefully the fog stays clear for landing! What is what that forecast? :(

Glad your Flirty Fit class was fun!

Kelly on June 28, 2009 at 1:34 p.m. said...

Glad to hear he's coming home, hope the fog doesn't effect his flight!

I love that coffee mug, haha! :D

Jen on June 28, 2009 at 1:46 p.m. said...

MMMM, that salad looks DELICIOUS!!!

I had to show Danny the video of Dave solving the Rubiks cube...that's pretty much one of the most insane things I have seen!!!!!!

Kari@Onederland on June 28, 2009 at 10:54 p.m. said...

Sure do hope that your man made it home to spend some quality time with you!! And wow that weather forecast sure is sucky. Now I'll quit complaining about our low 20's temps for the week. lol.

Angela Power on June 29, 2009 at 12:50 p.m. said...

Oh grrrreat, I get the rest of the week off and it's gonna be poopy! Do ya think she'll have us running and doing pushups in the mud? Prolly!

I love the fig balsamic dressing, it's awesome :-)