Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yeah bitches

This has been such a busy week, and it’s not getting any lighter BUT I’m so proud that I’ve been able to keep to my (adjusted) running schedule and not letting anything get in the way.

YAY me!


I had quite an agenda of things to do when I got home from work, so I just hopped right to it. 

    • - bake cake so I can decorate it Thursday
    • - help with supper (make asparagus while Dave BBQ’s turkey burgers)
    • - go running as per my training schedule
    • - make homemade fondant
    • - clean the kitchen (after a cake AND homemade MMF it was bananas!)
    • - vacuum floors
    • - wash floors
    • - clean kitty litter
    • - do laundry/fold laundry
    • - have shower

Pure bananas…. BUT each one of those things now has a checkmark next to it.  Phew!

Earlier I posted a question on Twitter about what dinner ideas anyone had for turkey burgers minus the bun.  I got a couple of great suggestions but dingbat me forgot that I had to run to the grocery store anyway so I picked up a bag of Sobeys “In the thin” buns.  Crisis averted.

We BBQ’d the burgers & topped them off with some lettuce, tomatoes, onions & some good ol’ ketchup & mustard.

On the side was some yummy asparagus. 


So damn good! 

After dinner settled we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather we got today and hit the pavement outside.  It was really nice to have Dave come with me because he can really push me through my difficult times.

On the agenda was the same run as yesterday (5min warmup, 3min run/2min walk x6, 5min cool down)

Check out the split info below.  The ones highlighted in red were the CRAZY inclines that I had to push so hard at.  #10 was REDICULOUSLY difficult.  It was at this point I was humming and haaing (aka, COMPLAINING) that I couldn’t do it.

Dave told me to shut up and stop saying I couldn’t do it and just DO IT!  He even ran behind me pretending to be a zombie and chasing me.  At this point my head just wasn’t in it anymore.  The hills were getting the best of me and I was psyching myself out.  My legs felt like ANCHORS but I kept moving.


After #10 I started to gain a bit of confidence and something came over me.  I turned almost vicious.  My “motto” that I kept saying over and over to no one in particular was a vulgur “Yeah bitches.” With that was a mixture of “I’m doing it.”

Even though the start & end were quite difficult for me, I can damn well say I did it.  I’m still a new runner and it’s taking a while for it to get easier for me but I’m doing it.


fittingbackin on April 22, 2010 at 2:41 p.m. said...

You go bitch! Love it!

I envy your running schedule - i'm doing good to get in one run/week!

Homemade fondant? Wowza - huge task on the to-do list!

Jaime on April 22, 2010 at 3:22 p.m. said...

You ARE doing it!! wooooot. You go biatch! hahaha. :) mwah.

Katie on April 22, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. said...

Awesome job Lex. Dave sounds a lot like Matt. He pushes me too through the hard times.

Congrats on the run :)

Angela Power on April 23, 2010 at 9:23 p.m. said...

Wooohoooo biatches!!!!!!!! :-D

Honestly kick ass Lex!! SOOOOO proud of you girl, you're SOOOO doin' it!!!