Saturday, January 3, 2009

Talk about timing

Well... it's been a mighty long time since I've blogged...
*slaps hands* shame on me!

I have many, many updates since the last time I posted, but today, I just wanted to announce that:
And talk about timing! I did some browsing around on some fellow bloggers sites and noticed links to a "Biggest Loser" challenge.
No lie: I literally JUST came back from Chapters where I purchased the Biggest Loser Cookooks, (Book one, Book Two, and Book Three)
Also, I just got the video 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels and I have read tonnnnnnes of positive reviews!
So needless to say I was *ecstatic* when I saw a roll call for a Blogger Biggest Loser challenge!
Dave (Bf) and I have been talking about getting back into the swing of things. He is unhappy with his body image, as am I. I have gained a fair amount since my last time I blogged.

I have committed myself to actually trying and achieving results. I have a mini gym at home now, plus the videos at home, along with a great meal plan, so I have NO EXCUSES!
I have also committed myself to regular Blogging. I really found this site to be a huge motivator, and I will be getting back into the swing of things.

Can I get a, "HELL YEAH!"


Jen on January 3, 2009 at 4:45 p.m. said...


It's fate I tell you!

Erin on January 3, 2009 at 9:12 p.m. said...

You are going to kick ass! It is awesome to have you back - I saw your blog title on my blog roll the other day and I thought of you! I have read really good things about the 30 Day Shred. I have also gained lately and I have some ass kicking of my own to do! Blogging has seriously helped me in the past when I am sticking with it. Good luck! I am excited to read all about it.