Thursday, January 8, 2009

WI Day tomorrow

Holy Cannoli - it'll be my first "routine" WI in a few months - I am nervous to see what the scale says. I am definitely feeling quite a bit large for my clothing... i can only blame it on the dryer for so long ....

No Shred video for me tonight. I am way too sore and I don't want to damage anything. I will get back into it tomorrow. I did get some basic cardio done - playing Dance Dance Revolution. It was only about 25minutes worth, but my heart rate is up and I'm sweating like a mofo!

Anyway, I sure hope everyone has a great Friday. Wahoo Weekend!!
We're having our first game night Saturday night. I had planned out a game night 'gig' for every 2 weeks with a bunch of friends. I love board games, and I love my house, so why not invite people over to enjoy it with! hahaha