Original Post: http://sweettoothblog.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/caffeine-high/
I want to first extend a huge thanks to everyone who offered suggestions with my WW woes as mentioned in yesterday’s post. After several revisions I went from using 41 points down to 30.5 Points! I had not been calculating my food properly – and I am sure I will make mistakes here and there, but I have a better idea of exactly what I am tracking and how much of it.
Today was much better – except for the evening. From breakfast to dinner I had used my daily allotment…but in the evening Dave & I decided to go for a drive and I got a Starbucks Caramel Brulee Late (eww.. I did not like this!) and munched on some Dill Pickle chips when I got home. That pushed my over my points and put me in the negative since I tapped out my Activity Points.
**Smacks hands**
Funny story about our trip to Starbucks:
Dave is not a coffee drinker… at-all. He dislikes the coffee taste and, well, caffeine does a number on him the same way a chocolate bar does to a toddler.
Today he surprisingly ordered the eggnog latte. I thought after the first sip he’d make his scrunchy face and not want to drink anymore, but he kind of liked it! He is a very analytical person and started to analyze the drink he was consuming. He mentioned to me that he doesn’t ‘understand’ coffee because it is not refreshing. I told him that it’s not a ‘refreshing’ kind of drink… that it is more of a ‘comfort’ drink to savor. As we were discussing this I noticed him tap-tap-tapping his cup and the table, so I knew the caffine was kicking in!
At this point he’s talking a mile a minute and acting like a kid who just ate a bag of candies from the candy store. I was loving it! It was hilarious to see him like this!
Needless to say – I took over the car keys and started to drive. We don’t need any Gran Turismo action with Sophie (my car).
Moving on to today’s eats:
Breakfast: 6.5 Points
- Raisin Bran (3) + milk (2) = 5 points
- Coffee 1.5 Points
Snack: 2 Points
- Source Yogurt – 1 point
- 1/2 medium banana – 1 point
Lunch: 5 Points
- Lean Cuisine Sweet & Sour Chicken – 5 points
Snack: 1.5 Points
- 1/2 cup pomegranates – 1 Point
- 2 small clementines – 0.5 Points
Dinner: 7 Points
- Spaghetti & Turkey meat sauce – 4 Points
- Mozza & Tomato + balsamic vinaigrette salad (not sure what this dish is called) 3 points
Snack: 9 Points
- 1/2 Tall Starbucks Caramel Brule Latte (no fat, no whip)– 2 points
- Dill Pickle Chips – 7 points
Total – 31/22 – Honestly those dill pickle chips were really not necessary. Grr!
Hopefully I did a better job tracking today! I felt good about my meals. I took Lynn’s advice and saved the pomegranates for a snack later. I had them in the afternoon at my desk and pretty much ate them one by one. I wasn’t hungry, but needed to munch so it did the trick!
I think I am going to purchase one of the Starbucks To Go reusable cold cup:
My water consumption is much less than what it should be. I think if I have a cup like this at my desk, especially equipped with a straw that I would totally be more driven to:
a) fill’er up
b) Drink the water from the straw!
Also, I want to add more ‘spice’ to my water so I was thinking of buying some lemons to add to my water. We shall see!
It is Remembrance Day tomorrow – a lot of people are excited for the day off, however I will be working. I hope everyone sits back and takes a moment to really think about the importance of Remembrance Day.
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