Monday, April 12, 2010

Back on the pavement

With all of the madness and body soreness that I endured last week, I wasn’t able to get outdoors to run!  That put me wayyyy back in my running schedule and I was behind 2 sessions.  The plan was to run Sat & Sunday then Tues, Thurs & Sat however I didn’t get out on Saturday either!

The modified running plan has me running Sunday, Tues, Wed, Friday, Saturday.  This will allow me to rest on Sunday then get back to regularly scheduled run sessions.


I don’t really want to run consecutive days as I’d like to give my calves some recover time but we’ll see how it goes.  Thankfully this modification is still in the early part of my training so it *should*  be easier to do than if it was in the later weeks.

The good news is that I was able to get out & run on Sunday.  I almost talked myself out of it but the beautiful sunny evening definitely helped me to get my arse into gear and I did my run outdoors by my lonesome since Dave was playing Mr.Fixit for one of his servers.

The week 2 session 2 run consisted of a 5min warm-up, 1 min walk/2 min runs x7 then a 5 min warm down.  Somehow I ran the perfect distance which brought me back to my front door at the end of my session, right on time for a total of 2.99km.

Apr 11

The course I ran was pretty much the same as last time – with that crazy first hill to endure, but this time a “fun” addition was the wind I was running against.  I really hope to get better at this hill and not pooped so quickly.  I was lucky that this session’s runs were only 1min – when it gets longer that hill is going to be brutal!

I’d love to hear from people doing/have done the C25K.  My training schedule is very similar so I’d love to follow folks who are going through the same process as me.

Thanks to those who commented & congratulated me on my first house – it’s really appreciated!  =)  I will have updates to follow – and Ali (+ anyone else), any tips you have on DIY projects are welcomed!


fittingbackin on April 13, 2010 at 2:51 p.m. said...

Hey! Just got your post - I guess for me it would depend on what the alternative was. If it's microwave above the stove OR hood - then i'd go for the hood just because it has SO much space. But if it's microwave over the stove OR having it on the counter - i'd say above the stove all the way!! You may can tell from my blog that I cook a lot and it's always been above the stove for me - even in my previous casa! :) Hope this helps! And girl - I'm loving some C25k!