Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Run Recaps – I’m workin it!!

Yesterday was the end of my comfort zone and today was the start of a scary new territory. 

3 minute runs.

When I started my running training in Jan, I had a really difficult time progressing to the 3 minute runs.  I know for MOST of you 3 minutes is peanuts however 3 minutes is what peanuts are to allergy-stricken me:  death!

I’m still trying to get my running schedule back on track so yesterday and today were my back to back runs.  I mentioned before I don’t like doing back to back runs, I’d prefer to give my muscles a rest (and as suggested by the great Jeff Galloway) however I needed to catch up on my schedule so I could get back to the Monday – Wednesday – Friday runs (OCD me).  I figured today’s run would be difficult so I thoroughly iced my legs after the run yesterday and it felt soooo good!


Yesterday’s run was a Run 2 min, walk 2 min session (x6) which was actually quite challenging for me.  I don’t know if its because I ran inside on the treadmill while Dave was on the elliptical - which prevented me from focusing as I would normally (shouldn’t be the case…but…?), or WHAT the problem was but it was definitely not an easy run.

Here’s Tuesday’s details:

Apr 13

The average pace/split was missing because I was indoors – same with tonight’s run. 

Wednesday (Run 3, walk 2 x 7):

April 14

For me, at run #4 or #5 the 3 minutes became a little tricky so instead of running the 3min, I walked at a 3.5 pace and put the incline up to 6.  It gave me a bit of a break from the jogging but still had me workin’ my booty!  Overall I was PRETTY impressed at my 4.46km.  If I didn’t do the incline walks in lieu of my jogs I DEFINITELY would have hit 5K! 

Thursday is a scheduled non-run day.  I may throw in some Booty Camp Fitness DVD if I’m feelin’ up to it!  I could use some Abs & Buns workouts!!


sarah on April 15, 2010 at 8:24 a.m. said...

I have a little bit of OCD myself so when my schedule gets moved around I kind of get freaked out.

Keep up the good work!!

Sammie Kennedy on April 15, 2010 at 8:29 a.m. said...

Keep going strong darling! Running is an excellent addition to any exercise routine but it's one of the hardest things to start up so good for you for training your body to run.



Tricia on April 15, 2010 at 1:44 p.m. said...

great job with the running!

Unknown on April 16, 2010 at 12:51 p.m. said...

I had a hard time going from 2.5min to 3min running ... actually anything until 7min was a struggle. BUT the funny thing was as soon as I hit the 10minute run it got so much easier, strange but true.
Keep at it!!